Thursday, March 6, 2008

Africa Reading Challenge

Alight, so I have been hearing – and reading – about the 2008 Africa Reading Challenge. The idea behind it is lovely; during “the course of 2008 - six books that either were written by African writers, take place in Africa, or deal significantly with Africans and African issues.” Then we review what we have read!

(Un)fortunately, they have to be books that I have never read before – so Cause Celeb, and Poisonwood Bible, are both out, but I recommend both to others wanting to read something.

My List

A Long Walk to Freedom: Nelson Mandela’s autobiography. I’ve had the book in my possession several times, but never got through it. This is the excuse I was looking for to finish it

Constant Gardener
: Haven’t read it and haven’t seen the film, but everyone else seems to have done one or the other. My turn.

Mine Boy
: This novel was one of the first books to draw attention to the condition of black South Africans under a white regime. I’m interested in South Africa, I’m hooked.

We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families
: One of the depressing book about the Rwandan Genocide. It can’t be any sadder then ‘Sunday, by the pool in Kigali,’ can it?

The White Masai
: This one I hope is better then what I fear. I hope it isn’t a white woman making a big profit off a kind-of sad love story. I’ve heard good things though so I am trying not to pass judgement. Also a movie.

What’s the What?: On several other reading lists – I was interested – so it made mine.

I also want to read something by Patrick Bond, but that makes 7 books and too many from South Africa… so only if I have time.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

I came across another one the other day that looked interesting:"The lost girls of Uganda". The story about a group of girls who were kidnapped by the LRA from a school in Northern Uganda. Apparently only a few of them made it back. It's a pretty recent incident, if I'm remembering correctly it happened in 1994...