Monday, August 4, 2008

AIDS 2008 Day 1: The Good, Bad and Ugly

The Good:

  • One of the seminars I attended today was satellite linked in to Durban in South Africa. It was so cool.
  • Met Stephen Lewis in the hall today and didn’t freak out. I simply asked how he was, he asked how I was, I smiled then continued onto the escalator. And I didn’t trip. Life is good!

The Bad:

  • Compared to some many amazing people here, I feel awfully young and inexperienced sometimes. Conferences of this size are very overwhelming.
  • I was nearly run over by the Vice President of Tanzania today. I was in the way, and his security detail tried to move me, but I was completely oblivious to what was going on, and thus was stepped on.

The Ugly:
  • The worst was the audience member who stood up to tell everyone that those people in the country of Africa didn’t wear condoms because they believed in witchcraft. It took the Kenyan on my right and the Nigerian on my left to stop me from killing him.

1 comment:

Dez Eridi said...

Witchcraft and condoms never go hand in hand in Africa! That was a bit of misinformation. Why not Condoms Vs catholicism or illiteracy or ignorance?