Thursday, September 18, 2008

No more miniskirts? Are you kidding?

Uganda’s Minister of Ethics and Integrity strikes again

From BBC

Uganda's ethics and integrity minister says miniskirts should be banned - because women wearing them distract drivers and cause traffic accidents. Full story here.

… right….

Someone please, please tell me this is kind of joke.

Oh, it's not. That's really unfortunate. As a joke its kind of funny. As the reality - its really not.

To me this sounds like an excuse followed by the plea the girl was dressed like that so she was asking for it.

I kind of thought (maybe hoped) that Ugandan society was way past that stage.

Can someone please explain to me the actual purpose of an Ethics and Integrity Minister anyway? What does he has to follow? Are their guidelines? A rule book (or two)? Because I’m not really sure if a self righteous male should really be dictating the results of his moral compass to the population at large.

Since I have been paying attention he has done the following:

  • Told the Nigerian group P Square that if they sings their most famous song Do Me he would ban then from ever coming back – they sang it anyway (and it was awesome live!)
  • Banned the Vagina Monologues, I’m guess because of the word vagina, and not because he is totally anti the womens' movement (although I’m sure he is).
  • Banned a conference for female sex workers, who were suppose to talk about protecting themselves and being less vulnerable, they ended up traveling to Nairobi
  • And now… the mini skirt ban

This is why there needs to be a separation of church from state. Just saying.

1 comment:

Dez Eridi said...

His whole idea is to reduce on road accidents as drivers stare at ladies who are puting on short things. Can you imagine such reasoning...? Could someone remind Mr.Buturo that it is the potholed roads, inexperinced drivers and fake traffic policemen who are responsible for the road accidents other than our swetie mniskirts!