Monday, November 30, 2009

On route to a book deal

I spend a lot of time kicking myself for not working harder at keeping my blog constantly updated.
I have excuses, such as writing for a living, being exhausted after work and trying to spend the minimum amount of time on the computer when I am not in work.
On more than one occasion I have considered just reposting my columns from the Prince Albert Daily Herald, but they are much longer than the average blog post and seeing a link here is just boring.
All of that said, I kick myself a lot harder when I go into book stores and it seems like every blog I used to read with any regularity has become a book. There are the ones everyone knew about such as, Waiter Rant or PostSecret, but latest ones have made me stop short.
Vegan Lunch box, has not one, but two cookbooks out.
The Pioneer Woman Cooks also has a cookbook now.
It seems dedication on a blog is a sure fire way to a book deal.
So, the Story of Angela: following Chinese fortunes from the cookie, not coming to bookshelves anytime soon.
Hopefully I will start to spend more time writing.

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