Thursday, May 29, 2008

Going UP

Food prices in Uganda are climbing like crazy. Groceries in stores and the markets are getting more expensive. Children’s boarding school fees are going up – meaning fewer are attending school.

And Antonio’s Restaurant have increased the price of their breakfasts from sh 3,000 to sh 3,500.

Doesn’t sound like a lot – but that is a big, big deal.

We are definitely on the edge of a big crisis.

Not to point fingers, but I think we could maybe look at certain drug companies, who engineer genes in seeds that stop growing after one year (*cough* Monsanto *cough*) or economies that literally force the end of the ‘family farm.’

A call to the Western world, we need to stop with our wasteful habits and consume only out share or the rest of the world is going to face a very big problem.

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