Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Murchison Falls

One of the reasons I have been bad with posting lately, aside from the fact I am going home soon and trying to wrap up my life here, is I was in Murchison Falls National Park.

While I could have done without the game drive – I am a bit spoilt post Serengeti – but the trip up the Nile to the bottom of the falls by boat was amazing. As was the view from the top.

After my short adventure, I have a few observations to make.

  1. The hippopotamus is a huge animal. I mean absolutely massive.
  2. The Nile crocodile can also grow to be huge, and I currently hold the belief that no reptile with that many teeth should be allowed to grow that big. And PS – to the boat driver, we really didn’t need to get that close
  3. The Nile pushing itself through a 7m wide gorge, is very powerful, should not be tried in a barrel and is an amazing site to see.
  4. Warthogs are kind of cute, when you watch them for long enough.
  5. Rules in Uganda are so different than rules in North America. I was so close to the top of the falls, I would have found myself at the bottom if I had slipped – and I am a klutz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photos Angela, amazing