Thursday, July 17, 2008

Missing Uganda

Right now, I am missing Uganda a lot.
I want to get a boda boda, when I am running late and still have a few blocks from the bus stop to my meeting, but no bodas here.
I want to eat matoke and ground nut (strange, I know, but true).
I want to walk down a dirt road from the main road to my apartment with kids yelling ‘muzungu’ at me.
I want to sit in the sun with perfect strangers and discuss the day.
I want to go Café Pap, Ban Café, or 1000 Cups with my friends.
I want to go and dance – nightclubs in Canada seem to be overrun with 14-year-olds in mini skirts (for those who don’t know the drinking age in 19).
I want to sit in the Sheraton Gardens making fun of horribly dressed bridal parties getting wedding photos taken. Seriously ruffles, lace, ribbons, and beading don’t all go together.
I want to see things here that I find as interesting as things in Uganda so I can post more often. I miss posting all the time.

It’s getting bad. I can tell because I even missing load shedding – what? The power is still on? I miss sketchy broken-down taxis and even sketchier boda rides. I miss high-carb diets and random bouts of food poisoning – I haven’t been really sick in weeks. I miss having to fight with a mosquito net every night.

And in an effort to make myself feel better I read my favourite Ugandan Blogs: Scarlett Lion - Uganda, Jackfruity, Notebook: East Africa, Ugandan Insomniac, TIA (This is Africa), and Pernille’s Louder than Swahili. It doesn’t work. Now, I just miss it more, and am jealous of all the people who are still there.

I’m heading to Mexico to the International Aids Conference in two weeks. Maybe that will help.

1 comment:

Dez Eridi said...

I really like your selection and description of what i would call "REAL" Uganda. so many times us we don't recognize what we have and we under look it. But it's fun. Great work angel.