Monday, April 28, 2008

Checking my taps

Yesterday I learned there is something worse than not having running water in your house. It is having running water in your house for an afternoon before it stops again.

Yesterday afternoon, I saw the toilet bowl had filled itself, so for kicks I turned on the tap. It worked! I washed dishes with water from the tap, had a shower and was able to flush the toilet and watch it refill.

I was so careful thinking that the water might run out or something. But it was there all afternoon. I went out for a while and came back. It had stopped running.

I thought maybe when I woke up this morning it would be back. I was wrong. I keep turning the taps in desperate hope only to be disappointed over and over again.

The worst part is I feel guilty about being frustrated about my lack of water. In reality I have it good – I can fill my jerry cans from the tap in the compound, and in the middle of the night the water usually comes on long enough to fill the toilet tank. Other people in the neighbourhood have to make a long trek to get water (see post here).

I have it good, I know I do, but I would love to see water running out of my taps again!

Excuse me, I have to go check.

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