Saturday, April 12, 2008

Crossing into Rwanda

The 3a.m. bus to Kigali is ridiculously cold. Why in the middle of the night, the air conditioning needs to be running full blast I will never figure out.

This bus begins to warm up just after the border crossing between Uganda and Rwanda. About the same time the driver had turned off the air conditioning. By the time we arrived in Kigali the bus was stifling hot and had no air movement at all.

Can’t win

The other point of interest is the kids along the roadway asking for ‘Renzori, Renzori.’ They want leftover bottled water. The get dangerously close to the bus as it rushes past at 60 kph, their hands out stretched.

And if they noticed me sitting at the back on the aisle, it led to shrieks of ‘Muzungu, Renzori’ and they would give chase for a few hundred metres.

At first the calls for the water made me curious, then I realized these 8,9, and 10-year-old kids are out all day collecting firewood or whatever, they are probably really thirsty. As much as I wanted to help, I couldn’t bring myself to chuck ¾ empty bottles of water out the windows.

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